Thursday, December 6, 2007

Update on a previous post!

A few weeks ago I posted this about former USC student Holly Ashcraft who was accused of disposing of her two newborn children in the bathroom. Well as of today, December 6th, 2007 the murder charges have been dismissed in this case, an article found from Knbc. This is the fourth time in this case that the murder charges have been dropped.

Although judge in the case told Ashcraft that her behavior was "disturbing and disgusting", there was not enough evidence to convict her. Deputy District Attorney Frank Baratta says "our only remedy is appeal", but I feel that prosecutors should continue to go after Ashcraft until she is convicted. However, prosecutors at this time have not decided whether they will try and seek murder for the fifth time. Ashcraft remains free on $50,000 bail and is still facing charges of involuntary manslaughter and child abuse; her court date is set for January.

What is wrong with our court system? I feel that the American court system has failed it's citizens by letting this woman go without any consequences. Just think of the lives these children would be living today if their mother hadn't dumped them in a garbage bin. These children were not given the opportunity to live or even have a chance in life. Every time I hear about this case I get goosebumps, who could be this disturbed to carry out such heinous acts?
This woman isn't even forced into treatment for her psychiatric needs, which means that if she gets pregnant again she will do the same thing. As time goes on, I feel it will be more and more difficult to prosecute this woman. Prosecutors should exhaust all opportunities to prosecute this woman. Something needs to be done!


thatsamoret said...

Something needs to be done immediately! I feel like our culture and consequently our legal system has a fascination with jailing juvenille deliquients, those in possession of illegal substances, and ofcourse celebrities with substance abuse issues. However when it comes to such a hideous and repeated crime in which it would seem obvious to cast blame, the legal system fails. Is it too delicate of an issue? Is she being excused because there is a laziness in gathering evidence? Is not worthy of media attention? Consider the breaking news headlines: Lindsay Lohan breaks up with her boyfriend she met in rehab, a lunatic teenager goes on a shooting rampage in a Nebraskan mall, a young wife and mother has been missing for two months and her LT. policeman husband is the primary suspect! Headlines are maddening and moreover they can be truly distracting from the truly horrific crimes of this poor and disturbed young woman.

McCarthy said...

I was completely shocked when I heard that the charges were once again dropped. I understand sometimes that there just isn't enough evidence to convict people, however I believe that the system is being unfairly lenient because of the Holly's sex and age. If this were a different person I don't think this would be the situation we are in. We need to start giving people equal responsibility, no matter who they.

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