Saturday, October 20, 2007

You Won't Believe This...

We all want what we can't have. We have blonde hair we want brown hair and so on. In the case of Lisa Montgomery seen in this article a woman went crazy with jealousy and did the unthinkable. I didn't actually believe the headline when I read it on, "Woman convicted in case of baby cut from mother's womb". Of course I decided to read the article but I couldn't believe what I was reading.

On December 16th, 2004 Lisa Montgomery a dog breeder, 39 from a northwest Missouri town named Skidmore drove to 23 year old pregnant woman Bobbie Jo Stinnett's house went in with a knife, rope and umbilical chord clamp and used these tools in order to cut the unborn baby from it's mother's womb. This article did not state how many months pregnant Bobbie Jo was, but far enough along that the baby could survive outside the womb. After strangling and killing Stinnett, Montgomery cut the baby from the womb. Montgomery fled the house with the baby and left the pregnant woman for dead. She told investigators that as she drove away from the home she was "shaking and holding the baby and the cord at the same time".

In the trial for this case, Montgomery's defense lawyers believe that she was suffering from delusions when she killed the expectant mother. However the jury found Montgomery guilty and she was convicted of kidnapping resulting in death. The jurors deliberated for only four hours before making the decision and rejected the insanity defense presented by the defense lawyers. Not only did the prosecutors have a undeniable moral case on their hands, there was also substantial evidence that highlighted Montgomery's sane tactics to strangle and take the baby from the womb. Montgomery had spent months researching Cesarean sections online before carrying out her gruesome plan.

Montgomery, the mother of 4 had a tubal litigation in 1990 after the birth of her fourth child which prevented her from ever getting pregnant. Even though she had this procedure, Montgomery claimed she was pregnant several times, delusional? I think so.

I find it absolutely appalling that someone would carry out such a hateful crime. I hate to compare legal cases but this is just as disturbing if not more than the Lacey Peterson case a few years ago. Or even the case where the woman drowned her five children in a bath tub. Insane or not, I believe people who do crimes such as these should be put away for the rest of their lives. People who act like this are inhumane and lack any sense or morality. This crime highlights how twisted and psychotic some people are in this world.

Even though Bobbie Jo did not make it, her baby survived and is doing well. I hope Bobbie Jo's family finds some closure from the guilty verdict. Hopefully Montgomery will get the death penalty.

I will update as soon as the sentencing occurs.

1 comment:

Media Man said...

And of course, virtually nobody has heard about this conviction because of all the fire coverage. But I find it interesting that you focus in on this case--and I think it's good that you do. It sets an important precedent in terms of insanity cases (even though every case is independent). Maybe people won't be able to get away with heinous crimes like these anymore.